
Catch up with all my news here! Read about my regular exhibitions and events, as well as my ‘special makes’. 

Eynsham’s Sustainable Christmas Arts and Craft Fair
Eynsham’s Sustainable Christmas Arts and Craft Fair

I am pleased to announce that I will be taking part in Eynsham’s Sustainable Arts and Crafts Fair! Come along to Mill Street Arts, Eynsham on Saturday 30 November and Sunday 1 December between 10am and 4:30pm. Lots of Christmas gifts and goodies from local artists. It is going to be a real treat!

Run Wytham Woods
Run Wytham Woods

I’ve been busy making medals for Run Wytham Woods on 09 June 2024. Lots to do, with three different race categories – 5k, 10k and a 1k family fun run – adding up to hundreds of different medals to be completed. I feel as if I’ve been in a race myself!

Oxfordshire Artweeks 2024
Oxfordshire Artweeks 2024

From 4th–12th May, I will be exhibiting my work in my home, studio and garden at Venue 121 in Eynsham, just a short walk from the centre of the village. Whilst there is no parking down Tanners Lane, there is plenty on the streets nearby, all within the Eynsham Art Trail. Most places on the Trail are within walking distance, so grab a map from the first artist you visit and then enjoy the others. It is great to meet artists in their natural habitat where they live and create.

My venue is just perfect for showcasing my work, and a wonderful place to be. You can take your time to enjoy the refreshments I will serve, come inside to see my work and relax outside amongst pieces I make specifically for the garden. Be sure to give attention to Squeakles, my cat (very friendly, unless you are accompanied by a dog), who assumes that all visitors are there to see her.

The Chicken Run Studio will be open, too. The chickens, who are my constant companions when I am working, will be safely enclosed in their run, so that the gate can be open for you to meander through to the studio without them getting under your feet. There will be opportunities for you to observe how I make and work the pottery.  Certainly, I will be able to talk through some of the projects I have underway, including my raku work. 

If you would like to see my work again or if you missed these early dates in May, I will be exhibiting a second time from 18th–27th May in North Moreton. This South Oxfordshire venue is in a 13th-century church that has the oldest stained glass in the country. I will be exhibiting with a number of artists showing paintings, prints, silver jewellery, woodwork and ceramics; see details at Venue 439. Again, there will be tempting refreshments throughout.